8004 Timberlake Road Lynchburg, VA 24502
Great location - nearby businesses include Sheetz, Wendy's, BB&T, Kroger, Putt-Putt Golf, Biscuitville, Lowes, Waffle House, Taco Bell, Bojangles and numerous medical offices. Less than 10 minutes from Liberty University Campus.
High Traffic Area - 30,000 VPD
High Development Area
New Construction
Oakwood Plaza is Timberlake Road's newest retail center located in close proximity to other retail centers, restaurants, entertainment, schools and multi-family residential. Great visibility, high traffic count, and abundant parking. 1,500 or 3,000 sq. ft. units, and easy access. Rental rate: $29.00/SF + $2.00/SF CAM.
Modified Gross