000 82 Highway Nacona, TX 76255
Texas Country location on U.S. Highway 82, 2 Miles East of Nocona, TX. In Montague County. Traffic count high is 3,867 vehicles a day. 7 (Approx.) 20,000 K Warehouses on 11.92 Acres. Details on each warehouse is located in the offering memorandum. Please feel free to call for more information. 469.794.6080
Investment Highlights 1) Building Approx. Measurements. A. 20k SF Warehouse B. 3 Grade Level Doors C. Shell Space D. Small 350 SF Office 2) Building Approx. Measurements. A. 20k SF Warehouse B. 3 Grade Level Doors C. Shell Space D. Electric Capable
3) Building Approx. Measurements. A. 20K SF Warehouse B. 3 Grade Level Doors C. Shell Space D. Electric, Propane Heat E. 2 Bathrooms Shop F. 2 Bathrooms Office G. Lateral Lines for Sewage H. 5K Office/5K Shop/10k Warehouse
4) Building Approx. Measurements. A. 20k SF Warehouse B. 3 Grade Level Doors C. 1 Truck Well Door D. Shell Space
5) Building Approx. Measurements. A. 20K SF Warehouse B. 3 Grade Level Doors C. Shell Space D. Electric Capable E. Small 450 SF Office
6) Building Approx. Measurements. A. 20k SF Warehouse B. 3 Grade Level Doors C. Shell Space
7) Building Approx. Measurements. A. 20K SF Warehouse B. 3 Grade Level Doors C. Electric AC/HEAT D. 2 Bathrooms Office E. Septic Sewage F. 10k Office/Shop - 10K Warehouse
140,000 sqft
11.92 acres