56183 County Road 143 West Lafayette, OH 43845
Top 5 Winery in the State of Ohio.
Lot Size: 278,586 SF
Top 5 Winery in the State of Ohio. Ideally situated in scenic Coshocton County along the Tuscarawas River off of St. Rt. 36. This profitable, established winery and restaurant is located in scenic Coshocton County along the Tuscarawas River off of St Rt 36. Known for its ?sweet wines? and premium dry wines, this state-of-the-art winery has entered and placed in over 250 internationaland national competitions winning a platinum medal at the San Diego International, double gold medals at the San Francisco International and Best of Show at the Ohio Wine Competition. At the 2022 Ohio Wine Competition, it won gold medals for its White October and White Raven.
NA - 4334009