Mariah Jeffery

Mariah Jeffery


Mariah Jeffery is a knowledgeable REALTOR® with 18+ years of experience in the industry. She started investing in real estate at age 19, and has built a large residential and commercial portfolio spanning six states. She believes in real estate as a wealth-building opportunity for those in almost any income bracket. She's a top producer and International Diamond Society Award winner. Mariah is a Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) and is experienced with commercial leasing and sale of commercial and residential investment property, land, and ranches. She can oversee complex transactions including 1031-exchanges and contracts for deeds. With a Ph.D. in engineering and a decade of experience as a consultant in the industrial sector, Mariah brings an analytical mindset to property analysis, or to simply helping you identify the best space to conduct your business. Whether you're looking for your perfect piece of property, or to buy or lease a building for office or retail space, Mariah works tirelessly to give her clients an outstanding customer service experience. Contact her for your commercial and residential real estate needs.


  • CCIM
  • NAR


  • Commercial Property •
  • Commercial leasing and Rentals •
  • Office Leasing and Rentals •
  • Industrial •
  • Multifamily Properties •
  • Development Land


  • English