Marty Wilcox

Marty Wilcox


Born on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Marty grew up the son of a professional horse trainer and rodeo cowboy. Attending five different grammar schools (two in the LA area of Southern California, one in the Panhandle of Nebraska, and two in the Phoenix Arizona area), he went his freshman year of High School in Scottsdale but graduated from Rushville, Nebraska (competing in sports, and high school rodeos throughout the state). Despite living in Rushville the shortest period of time he has lived anywhere, Marty considers the small Nebraska town his hometown.
Upon graduation from high school Marty studied computer programming and electronics at what is now DeVry University in Phoenix, Arizona but soon got the real estate bug and went to work for his Uncle’s firm specializing in land sales. Marty felt however, at the time, that his real calling was radio broadcasting, enjoying a 20 year tenure (full and part time) as a Morning Show DJ (Marty in the Morning), Program Director, and Advertising Executive.
In the 80’s Marty met and married his former wife and moved to Rapid City, briefly operating a retail gift shop in Keystone and working in the financial services industry selling insurance and securities.
Leaving broadcasting in April of 2000 for a renewed career in real estate was a difficult decision at the time but in hindsight proved to be the right one! During his many years in the business, Marty has been involved in several aspects of real estate including serving in the capacity of Sales Manager at his former firm, commercial real estate and business brokerage, along with residential sales. He holds the designation of GRI (Graduate of the Realtors Institute), SRS (Seller’s Representative Specialist), and is serving the Black Hills Association of Realtors as a sitting local board member and newly elected Executive Officer.
Marty is the father of three grown children (one of which, Spencer, is a real estate broker in Sioux Falls), and the Grandfather of eight. Marty still occasionally competes in roping events with his father and son, attends church at Christ Church, plays golf, and has a good time as much as he can! Choosing Marty as your Broker to buy or sell will not only be the right decision but (based upon his past experience) may prove to be an entertaining one as well!


  • GRI


  • Income Property •
  • Investment Property •
  • Buyer Representation •
  • Commercial Property •
  • Farm and Ranch •
  • Land •
  • Rental Properties •
  • Seller Representation •
  • Commercial leasing and Rentals •
  • Office Leasing and Rentals •
  • Industrial •
  • Multifamily Properties •
  • New Construction •
  • Development Land •
  • Recreation Properties •
  • Property Management


  • English