Luis Espinoza

Luis Espinoza


I am married to the love of my life; Susana and we have 7 children. I was originally licensed as a Professional Realtor in 1995 with Coldwell Banker Gold Key Realty in Logan Utah until 2013. I was the first bilingual agent in the State of Utah to develop a buyer’s guide magazine specially designed and directed towards the Spanish speaking community. This publication, called Casas y Cosas developed into other magazines such as Latinos Hoy and Veloz.
I studied at BYU and SUU in Utah. My education focused on Criminal Justice with an emphasis on Counter Terrorism and Security. Also trained with CRI COUNTER TERRORISM SCHOOL, a specialized school developed by Israeli Defense Force military officers, based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Studied Anti-Terrorism for high-risk zones, Counter Kidnapping, Urban Defense, Tactical Protective Driver, Active Shooter Defense, COVID Safety and Security measures. Verification, and investigation. Presently a member of the board of CRI.
My wife and I have also been foster/proctor parents to over 88 children as licensed Residential Treatment Providers through the Juvenile Justice System. Developed mini group homes for youth and assisting them with rehabilitative services and life and independent skills development.
Born in Utah and has lived in Utah as well as California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon and now Arkansas! My work experience has taken me to Chile, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, Germany, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, and Romania.
Founded the HAVEN GROUP. This group is purposed to provide various needed services to victims with extreme needs, such as kidnapping, child abduction, extortion, and persecution by criminal elements. I have assisted and worked with various federal and state organizations on an independent contractor basis.
My parents are originally from Chile, and I grew bilingual and bi cultural. This has been a great advantage for me as well as my clients. Experience in working with social service organizations, ranging from assisting emancipated youth, homeless and domestic abuse clients to coordinating with law enforcement organizations to assist in investigations and crime prevention.
I am a professional Interpreter and Translator: Extensive experience as a consecutive and simultaneous English to Spanish / Spanish to English Interpreter. 2000 – 2008 Utah Court Interpreter. Interpreter for various religious organizations and medical groups. Translation of legal and medical documents.
Well versed in multicultural issues and has taught classes to law enforcement, military, and private organizations in the U.S.A. and abroad regarding the importance of cultural integration and awareness of cultural differences within communities, amongst other topics of interest. Has also taught courses on federal fair housing, discrimination, general housing issues and relocation education, logistics, secure transportation, safety, and security.
I am so excited to return to Real Estate! Especially looking forward to working with the Hispanic community in Arkansas. Very happy to return to the Coldwell Banker family. I look forward to making long-term positive relationships with fellow Realtors and the community.


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