Maureen Kile

Maureen Kile


Maureen Served 20 years as an active duty Marine. Maureen spent 16 years as a Marine Recruiter, where she rose to the top and was recognized as one of the best Career Recruiters in the nation. Maureen has a strict regiment of follow-up and communication with clients. Hardwork, integrity and discipline are her trademark. Maureen has extensive sales and coaching training and she is a sales expert. These skills are responsible for her high degree of success with listing and selling her clients homes. Maureen has distinguished herself as a top producer in the state and is a Certified Residential Specailist. Maureen is certified to give seminars on sales, coaching, intrpersonal management skills, problem analysis and decision making, selling against the competition and more. Maureen has a garuanteed customer satisfaction program. Maureen is a real estate investor who actively flips houses and enjoys working with other investors. She is an expert on the foreclosure and short sale process in Oklahoma. Maureen loves working with first time home buyers and finds them to be the most rewarding of buyers.


  • Buyer Representation •
  • New Construction •
  • Relocation


  • English

Properties Available

  • For Sale
    28 State Hwy 144 Bethel, OK

    13 photos available.


    28 State Hwy 144

    Bethel, OK 74724
  • For Lease
    33 S Sheridan Road Tulsa, OK

    2 photos available.


    33 S Sheridan Road

    Tulsa, OK 74112
2 Properties