The 2022 Elite Top Two Event Recap

Have you ever thought “How can I make sure I stay at the top of my game?”
In June, the Coldwell Banker Commercial brand’s top producers and Elite company leaders gathered to celebrate their successes in 2021. As top CBC professionals in 2021, they were invited to take part in an annual incentive award trip for professionals who meet the award criteria hosted by Coldwell Banker Commercial. This year, the setting was the Monterey Bay in California—home of John Steinbeck’s classic American novel Cannery Row, minutes from arguably one of the most difficult and beautiful golf courses, Pebble Beach, and adjacent to the Salinas Valley, one of the most fruitful produce growing soils in the United States.
This trip was a mix of fun and focus—both weaving together very naturally.
The event kicked off with a welcome reception where old friends greeted each other and met new ones. The first full day began with a history of Cannery Row, hosted by the COO of the Cannery Row Company, Bill Grimm. And while it was important to understand the area from a historical context, it was fascinating from a redevelopment perspective. From there, attendees jumped feet-first into an amazing improvisation session led by The Agility Group partners, William Hall & Richard Laible. They provided a safe, trusting environment for all of the attendees to push out of our comfort zones, focus on being present, and take some risks in a fun way. These business sessions were followed by an afternoon full of various group outings. And lastly, per a new tradition, the national team hosted intimate dinners with first-time attendees and their guests.
Day two started with us digging into new website concepts and a deal making session that turned into a rich conversation on how we can all support one another’s business in deeper ways. It was a perfect mix of thoughtful feedback, forward thinking, and best practice sharing. After an afternoon that allowed our guests the opportunity to explore beautiful Monterey, we celebrated all the successes at the Monterey Bay Aquarium with a private evening reception and dinner. The parallels of the deep ocean and its inhabitants and the deep connection that were strengthened with our top performers wasn’t lost on most of the attendees.
So, how did the 20 first-time Top Two producers get there, and how did the other ~70% of this group repeat their successes?
It was apparent that each producer and office had a slightly different recipe to this secret sauce, but a few ingredients that repeated were tenacity, relationship building, and client focus.
Next year, CBC top producers can look forward to a trip to Newport, Rhode Island where they will have the opportunity to connect with and discuss growth with fellow top producing network members, and perhaps we can discover a few more key ingredients to this very special, secret sauce of success. Each quarter we will share the qualifying GCI threshold for Top 2 so you can track your progress. Stay tuned for the 2022 Awards Criteria coming soon.
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