Spring into Social Media: 5 Ways to Dust Off Your Social Presence this Spring

Spring may be coming early this year which is a good sign you should start dusting off your social media presence a little early this spring too. If you’ve let your social media channels die off over the last few months, it’s time for a refresh. Here are some of our top tips for springing into social media this spring.

#1. Do a Social Profile Audit

Before you start making changes, you’ll want to do a social profile audit first. There may be things you want to keep. You want to see what’s working and what is definitely not. What were some of your most popular posts? What posts got the most shares?

Next you want to make sure that your profile on all of your social media channels is on-brand. Make sure that your contact information is up-to-date including website addresses and any business changes that have happened over the last few months on all of your social media sites.

#2. Reach Out to Your Newest Contacts

You may have made some new connections and gained more contacts since the last time you really put some effort into your social media presence. Now is a good time to start reaching out to your newest contacts and some of your old ones.

LinkedIn makes it very easy to import your contacts. Just go to “My Network” and on the left hand side under “Connect,” click, “More Options” to import your contacts.

#3. Schedule Your Social Time

Keeping up on social media can be a hassle if you don’t schedule your social time. You don’t have to post all day every day on social media to keep an active online presence. You just want to make sure that you are doing it regularly. That can mean scheduling one hour each day to post on your social media channels or taking a few hours out of the week to do it.

However you decide to schedule your social time, use it wisely. Dedicate time to reaching out to new contacts, responding and interacting with existing ones, and genuinely engaging with news or stories that interest you.

#4. Share Quality Content

Sometimes you don’t post on social media because you feel like you personally don’t have any good content to share. It doesn’t have to be your quality content that you are sharing just as long as you are sharing quality content and giving credit to the author.

Start sharing content that matters or that you think would be interesting to your followers. Don’t just post your listings. Talk about what’s going on in your community or things of interest in town. Show that you’re the market expert in more ways than one.

#5. Take it to the Next Level

Once you’re active on social media again and getting some good responses from your followers, it’s time to take it to the next level. Consider boosting your posts with Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn ads. It’s an excellent way to share your original content with a wider audience and you don’t have to spend too much money to do it.

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